Wednesday 6 March 2019

Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany

Excellence Quotes

Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany
Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany

Universe converses with every person's nature in its own language round
the clock. The challenge is only to understand it correctly.
- Anuj Somany

Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany

Excellence Quotes

Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany
Excellence Quotes By Anuj Somany

Why can not we reach out to our heart with our open mind
door to build faith in our soul that there are beautiful things
in store if we keep doing truly excellent things on the same floor.
- Anuj Somany

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Anuj Somany Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings

Anuj Somany Quotes And Sayings
Anuj Somany Quotes And Sayings

It's always going to be easy to live like others or other's life,
because creating or innovating something of own is always
difficult in comparison to buying or borrowing anything from others.
- Anuj Somany